Sunday, March 14, 2010

Well who asked you anyways?!


There is a new guy living across the street from me. He moved in two years ago but I never really had the time to say hello.

While I was walking Liam and Collin around the neighborhood yesterday, he was outside on his porch. We walked around a few times and he just sat there, watching us. I got the heebiejeebies. If some weirdo was watching you walk your kids, I think you would too.

Finally, he got up and started walking towards us. I didn't want to be rude, so I stopped. Maybe he wasn't a creeper.

Well he was.

He came over and started commenting on my outfit and then started asking me about how often I did IT with my husband. Icky creeper!

I was so grossed out and I yelled at him and walked (OK I ran) back to my house. Thank god he he's moving again. The sooner, the better.


  1. eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  2. Be careful Ella! That is really creepy, thank the Lord he is moving...You don't want your boys and mystery baby growing up next to a perv. I was being followed the other day...I had to call the police...You think you're safe...but you have no idea who is watching...sending prayers over to your family.

  3. That's absolutely SICK!!! I'd be extra careful if I was you!

  4. I double what The Boob Nazi said.
    Can you report him? Or maybe lay strong suggestions with your local police. Find out if there are any other reports on the guy.


Gimmie comments, you guys! I love to hear from you. anyway. :)