Friday, March 12, 2010

Never shout your epiphanies in public

Here's a story from when I was younger:

My family and I liked to go camping a lot. One year when I was fourteen, we went to Maryland. Rural Maryland. I mean like the next house over is a mile down the road. Well, we arrived at our campsite late and wanted dinner so we went to a little diner conveniently placed fourteen miles down the street. I suppose it was crab night that night because everyone was crack crack cracking their crab legs. My dad had ordered a BLT. My brother had asked what it was.
Dad said: "Bacon, lettuce, and tomato."
So the night went on and about five minutes after the BLT thing, I slammed my hands down on the table and yelled quite loudly "I GET IT!!!" Well, everyone in the diner looked at me to see what I had gotten.
"BLT! Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato!"
Lets just say I was quite embarrassed. :)


  1. hahhahahahahah!!!

  2. I remember when I was about 15 I took a trip to Lake Powell (Utah, Arizona border)...
    Surrounded by friends and some family, I went to the cooler to get some water. I kept looking at it, and I'm sure my face had "confused" written all over it because I said out loud for everyone to hear, "Where is the nutrition facts?" ...Apparently water has ZERO calories and the ingredients of water is...H2O...
    Duh. Right. Duh. I felt dumb haha.

  3. Hahaha! I've done that before! :) Funny.


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