Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are you ready for this?!

I don't think you are! Cuz I sure as hell am not!

I got some news today. I had recently been to the doctors because I had broke my arm. Well, while I was there I told them I've been feeling kinda funky.

Went home to see my lovlie baby boys and my lovlie grown-up husband playing peek-a-boo on the floor. Really cute right?

My boys are almost 5 months old now (the 17th!) and I am just finally getting into the swing of things when something strikes me. I was very curious so I decided to see if my hypothesis was correct.

And it is.


I was scared because of my recent fall, so I went to the docs and they gave me the a-ok so I'm all good. But pregnate again?! Lord have mercy on my soul.


  1. ELLA!!!!! Hahaha... I can't beleive this!! :) Congrats!!! :) Wow!!!

  2. Thank you guys! My husband is rooting for a little angelic girl this time, but I just want him/her to be born healthy. :) I'm so excited!

  3. Aww congrats! Thats awesome!

    I cant wait to be a mommy :( But I have to wait a little longer I think.haha

  4. congrants. but I can not imagine - twins and another one that close together.

  5. Well we ah, well let's just say I love my husband very much. :)


Gimmie comments, you guys! I love to hear from you. anyway. :)