Monday, March 15, 2010


1) What is your favorite food ever?
2) How many, if any, siblings do you have?
3) Reese's or M&M's?
4) What is your favorite movie?
5) If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?


1) Hmm... I looove homemade pizza. I make really yummy ones. :)
2) I had 3 but now have 2. Jeremy (Jer) and Lisa. My little sister Lizzie died a long time ago. Sometimes I call my best friend Jacqui my little sister.
3) Reese's all the way!
4) Titanic. I love that movie to death!
5) My hands. I have really small hands. Not stubby, just small. Kind of odd.

What are YOUR answeres?


  1. Love your answers! Titanic! GREAT MOVIE!
    1. I love the Chicken Ranch Sandwich at Chillis
    2. 2 older sisters 1 older brother..I'm the baby:)
    3. Do Reese's M&M's count? lol
    4. The Little Mermaid ( I have a fav for all the genres) cant just choose one
    5. I can't think of anything I would change...
    I'm pretty content lol

    Your answers are awesome! Take a pic of your freaky hands so I can see. lol jk

  2. Pizza for me too!!!

    I have 5 siblings (2 that I like, lol)


    Terms of Endearment

    I'd wish my one tooth that shifted after having braces had not shifted!

  3. I also love homemade pizza.


    I'd do the rest but I have to take my son to swim lessons!

  4. I had my settings on anonymous which is weird...
    Of course I am still following, you CRACK ME UP!!!


Gimmie comments, you guys! I love to hear from you. anyway. :)